Herim Erin Lee 교수
- 학위
- 커뮤니케이션학박사(Univ. of Texas at Austin)
- 연구분야
- 언론정보
- 이메일
- helee@hufs.ac.kr
- 홈페이지
- Ph.D. (Media Studies,2011), University of Texas at Austin, Department of Radio TV-Film
- M.A.(Mass Communications, 2002), 서강대학교 신문방송학과
- B.A.(Mass Communications, 2000), 서강대학교 신문방송학과
- Lecturer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Communication Studies (2013)
- Research Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Radio TV-Film(2011)
- Assistant Instructor, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Radio TV-Film(2009)
주요논문 및 저서
- Lee, H. E., & Cho, J. (in press). What motivates users to continue using diet and fitness apps? Application of the uses and gratifications approach. Health Communication.
- Cho, J., Lee, H. E., & Quinlan, M. (in press). Cross-national comparisons of college students' attitudes toward diet/fitness apps on smartphones. Journal of American College Health.
- Cho, J. & Lee, H. E. (2017). Contextualization of motivations determining the continuance intention to use smart devices among people with physical disabilities. Telematics & Informatics, 34(1), 338-350.
- Lee, H. E., & Cho, J. (2016). Effects of gender and region on the relationships between teenagers’ use of social network sites and social capital. Journal of Internet Computing and Services, 17(1), 83-89.
- Cho, J., Lee, H. E., & Quinlan, M. (2015). Complementary relationships between traditional media and health apps among American college students. Journal of American College Health, 63(4), 248-257.
- Lee, H. E., & Cho, J. (2015). Exploration of the state and nature of Korean parents' volunteering in school: Who volunteers, for what, and why? In M. W. Kramer, L. K. Lewis, & L. M. Gossett (Eds.). Volunteering and communication (Vol. 2): Studies in international and intercultural contexts (pp. 67-88). New York: Peter Lang.
- Cho, J., Lee, H. E., Kim, S. J., & Park, D. (2015). Effects of body image on college students' attitudes toward diet/fitness apps on smartphones. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(1), 41-45.
- Cho, J., Park, D., & Lee, H. E. (2014). Cognitive factors of using health apps: Systematic analysis of relationships among health consciousness, health information orientation, eHealth literacy, and health app use efficacy. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(5), e125.