Yoon Whan Cho 교수
- 학위
- 커뮤니케이션학박사(Rutgers University)
- 연구분야
- 뉴미디어 수용자, 미디어환경론,모바일 커뮤니케이션
- 이메일
- milescho@hufs.ac.kr
- 홈페이지
- Ph.D., Communication / Media Studies, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (2009)
- M.A., Media Ecology, New York University (1998)
- B.A, Psychology / Communication, University of Hawaii at Manoa (1995)
- Lecturer / Teaching Faculty for Rugers, the State University of new Jersey & Rider University (2006-2009)
- Researcher / Certified Coder of Facial Action coding System (FACS) for U.S. Department of Defense project (2005)
- Research Assistant for the Center for Mobile Communication, Rutgers, the State university of new Jersey (2004-2005)
- Mobile Communication industry Jr. Analyst for J. P. Consulting Group (2002-2005)
주요논문 및 저서
- Communication and Cultural Trends of the Korean Wave (2021)
- The Importance and Essence of Global Communication for Human Coexistence (2017)
- Media Ecology of Information and Communication Technology (2016)
- Discerning Ethics in a Media-Created Capitalistic World : In-depth interviews on Media and Regional Status with North Korean Escapees (2014)
- Understanding Digital Divide in Korean Peninsula : A survey on the Perception of the Regional Crisis Status and media Uses (2013)
- Beyond Digitally South-North Korea : Investigating Media System Dependency(MSD) of the Digital north and South (2013)
- Disregarding South-North Cultural Differences : A Content Analysis of Cultural imperative for Teenagers from Mobile Industry (2012)
- Digital Divide and Divide in the Technological “Realities” from Media : A Content Analysis of Mobile phone Quotient in the U.S. State newspapers(2011)
- Are the youth of Today Ever Becoming More “Social?” : Exploring the Relationship between Social Media Use and Prosocial Effect (2010)
- New Media Uses and Dependency Effect Model : Exploring the Relationship between New Media Use Habit, Dependency Relation, and Possible Outcomes(2009)
- Developing a predictive measurement of media effect (2007)