지성욱 교수
- 학위
- 텔레커뮤니케이션학박사(Indiana Univ., Bloomington)
- 연구분야
- 뉴미디어, 미디어 경제&정책, 텔레커뮤니케이션
- 이메일
- mediaecon3@gmail.com
- 홈페이지
- Ph.D., Telecommunications, Indiana University, Bloomington (2012)
- M.A., Telecommunications, Michigan State University (2005)
- M.A., Mass Communications, 서강대학교 (2003)
- B.A., Religious Studies & Mass Communications, 서강대학교 (2001)
- Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (2015 – 2016)
- Fixed-term Assistant Professor, Michigan State University (2012 – 2014)
- Editorial Assistant, Information Economics and Policy (2006 – 2010)
주요논문 및 저서
- Choi, J., Lee, S.Y., & Ji, S.w. (2020, in Press). Engagement in emotional News on Social Media: Intensity and Type of Emotions. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
- Ji, S. W.(2019) The Internet and Changes in the Media Industry: A 5-Year Cross-National Examination od Media Industries for 51 Countries, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96(3), 894-918.
- Ha, J., Ji, S.W. & Shin, D.(2017) Selective exposure to partisan media: Moderating factors in evaluations of the president, The Social Science Journal 55(1), 62-74.
- Ji, S. W., Choi, Y., & Ryu, M. (2016) The Economic Effects of Domestic Search Engines on the Development of the Online Advertising Market, Telecommunications Policy(40), 982-955.
- Ji, S. W. (2015) Vertical Integration, Regional Concentration, and Availability in Cable Programming Networks. Journal of Media Economics, 28(4), 184-216.
- Ji, S. W., & Waterman, D. (2015, Book Chapter) Vertical Ownership, Technology and Programming Content. In Handbook on the Economics of the Media. Edited by Robert Picard and Steve Wildman, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Ji, S. W., & Waterman, D. (2014, Book Chapter) The Impact of the Internet on Media Industries: An Economic Perspective. In Society and the Internet: How Information and Social Networks are Changing our Lives. Edited by Mark Graham and William H. Dutton. Oxford University Press.
- Ji, S. W. (2014) Diffusion of the New Video Delivery Technology: Is There Redlining in the Internet Protocol TV Service Market? Journal of Media Economics, 27(3) 137–157.
- Ji, S. W., Waterman, D., & Michaels, S. (2014) Electronic vs. Print Resources in College Level Courses: Cost-Efficiency and Perceived Learning. Internet & Higher Education, 21, 17–24.
- Waterman, D., Sherman, R., & Ji, S. W. (2013) The Economics of Online Television: Industry Development, Aggregation, and “TVEverywhere.” Telecommunications Policy, 37(9), 725–736.
- Waterman, D., & Ji, S. W. (2012) Online vs. Offline Media in the U.S.: Are the Media Shrinking? The Information Society, 28, 285–303.
- Waterman, D., Ji, S. W., & Rochet, L., (2007) Enforcement and Control of Piracy, Copying, and Sharing in the Movie Industry. Review of Industrial Organization, 30(4).