김혁수 교수
- 학위
- 커뮤니케이션학박사 (Univ. of Alabama)
- 연구분야
- 디지털 마케팅커뮤니케이션, 브랜딩
- 이메일
- hkim54@hufs.ac.kr
- 홈페이지
- Ph.D. Communication, The University of Alabama (2013)
- M.A. Integrated Marketing Communication, Emerson College (2007)
- B.A Mass Communication, McMaster University (2005)
- 경북대학교 교수 (2019-2022)
- 미국 Ball State University (2014-2019)
- 미국 St. Bonaventure University 교수 (2012-2014)
주요논문 및 저서
- Kim, Hyuksoo, Cheong, Y. & Kim, K. (2022) Understanding the Role of Construal Level in Time-Restriction. International Journal of Advertising, 41, 1382-1407.
- Kim, Hyuksoo, Kim, Y. & Lee, D. (2020) Understanding the Role of Social Media in Political Participation: Integrating Political Knowledge and Bridging Social Capital from the Social Cognitive Approach. International Journal of Communication, 14, https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12711/3219.
- Kim, Hyuksoo & Youn. S. (2019) Consumers as Time Travellers: The Moderating Effects of Risk Perception and Construal Level on Consumers' Responses to Temporal Framing. International Journal of Advertising, 38, 1070-1097.
- Kim, Hyuksoo, Youn, S. & Lee. D. (2019) The effect of corporate social responsibility reputation on consumer support for cause-related marketing. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 30, 682-707.